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The Non 12 Step Rehab Programs

What are the 12 steps

The 12 steps were and are a program of recovery from all of life's addictions. They originally began as a 12 step program for alcoholics to recover from their alcoholism but people quickly learned that the 12 steps could be applied to any type of addiction or problem. Sometimes they worked. Sometimes they didn't. Unfortunately because they were introduced over 70 years ago, they were around and trusted during a time when there was almost no other treatment for things like alcoholism and addiction. Due to that fact, most people still look to them as the holy grail of recovery when in fact there is very little scientific evidence to show that they are effective for the majority of people who try to use them.

The problem with 12 steps

It would be wonderful if there were 12 simple steps that you could apply to stay free of alcoholism and addiction. Admittedly, there are some people who do work with the steps and find results with them. The problem is that for the millions of other people who tried the steps and found they didn't work, it might seem there is no other place to get help. This couldn't be further from the truth!

Non 12 step rehab programs

Today you can look elsewhere besides the steps. Don't listen to 12-steppers who tell you that there's only one solution. In fact, there are many treatments for addiction and alcoholism that are just as effective or more effective for some than the 12 steps have ever been. Individual counseling, group counseling, art therapy, exercise therapy, and addiction classes all have been shown to have a positive impact on recovery. If the steps don't work for you, step on to a non 12 step rehab programs!

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